If you have blocked drains Adelaide wide, it is crucial to call a professional plumbing company for help. Leaving the problem untreated can cause much more significant problems, including sewerage overflowing into your property. Instead, call South Adelaide Plumbing and Gas to fix the problem and prevent further damage to your property. This service is available round the clock. It is crucial to get your blocked drains fixed as soon as possible, so call them as soon as you notice any of these symptoms.

blocked drains AdelaideSanitary products can cause blockages.

Tampons and sanitary pads are very absorbent and can block pipes and drains. Often used in the bathroom, they should be disposed of in the garbage. However, some people do not realize the dangers of flushing sanitary products. Some contain chemicals used in bleaching, which can cause a blockage. In addition, people who flush sanitary products are causing a problem for the sewer network. For professional blocked drains Adelaide services, check out Distinct-Plumbing now.

Sewer pipe blockages can be very frustrating. Many people end up paying a large repair bill because they must clean their pipes. Fortunately, most plumbers can help fix blocked drains in no time. However, a sewer backup can be highly disruptive and costly to fix. To avoid inconvenience, follow these simple tips. Taking action is the first step to preventing a blockage in your drain. In addition, if you use sanitary products frequently, you may experience a blockage.

Build up of dirt

Your drain can become blocked for several reasons. These include a build-up of dirt, oil, and hair. If this happens, you may want to call a plumber to come and clear the drain. You should also remember that a blocked drain can become a more significant issue if left untreated. If you don’t want to deal with this problem, you can call South Adelaide Plumbing and Gas Solutions to solve the problem.

Clogged drains can be a problem for many, not just homeowners. It can result in a foul smell and less hygiene. Blocked drains Adelaide can also be expensive to repair, so it’s best to call a professional. Fortunately, there are a few things that you can do to prevent blocked drains. For example, cleaning the drain often involves removing the build-up of food waste. Even if you haven’t had lunch for days, there’s a chance that it will be flushed down the drain. One way to prevent this is to use sink strainers.

Tree roots

While trees provide aesthetic value and shade to homes, they can cause many problems with underground plumbing. While tree roots can damage pipes, they can also block drains and sewers. Therefore, if you have a tree in your backyard, you should be careful to plant it at least 6 meters away from your services. The following tips can help you deal with tree roots and drain blockage on your property. For professional blocked drains Adelaide services, check out Distinct-Plumbing now.

First, remove the tree. If the roots are large enough, they may be able to break into the underground piping. If they are not removed, this could lead to a lot of damage to the pipes. Therefore, getting the problem fixed as soon as possible is essential. In the long run, this will save you money and prevent a severe plumbing problems. Call Drains Direct Adelaide to clear the blockage if you cannot do so.


Blocked stormwater drains can be a nightmare to deal with. In addition to causing a significant headache, they can prevent you from accessing your property. Leaves, dirt and rubbish debris commonly cause blocked storm drains. Plumbing services in Adelaide have the experience and knowledge to clear these drains in no time. Unfortunately, you can also find children’s toys in the drains, leading to further blockages.

The most effective method for clearing blocked stormwater drains is hydro-jet. The high-pressure water sprayer can dislodge tree roots that may have gotten lodged inside the pipes. It also blasts debris, silt, and sludge from the inside walls of the pipes. When used correctly, hydro-jets can clear various blockages, including stormwater pipes. These techniques can help you keep your drains flowing smoothly and debris-free.